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Christophstraße 15-17
D-50670 Cologne
phone +49 (0) 221 - 3 90 93 39 - 0
fax +49 (0) 221 - 3 90 93 39 - 9

Park Arkaden
Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 10
D-76131 Karlsruhe
phone +49 (0) 721 - 5 97 16 - 0
fax +49 (0) 721 - 5 97 16 - 16

Registered at the Mannheim District Court
Register number: HRB 108622
VAT identification number as per Art. 27 a of the VAT Law:
DE 201406969

Druivenlaan 12
B-2390 Malle, Antwerp
phone +32 (0) 3-237 75 25
fax +32 (0) 3-257 21 80

HR Antwerp 74438
BTW 047 963 94 62

Organizational Development
& Management Consultancy Services
1 Silom Rd, Level 8
Zuellig Building House
Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok
Thailand 10500

Organizational Development
& Management Consultancy Services
Room 227, No. 24, Guoding Road
Yangpu District
Shanghai, China

Christopher Ragland
409 W 38th Street #101
Austin, TX 78705, USA

Tax-ID: 203 170 887

Web site contents:
© SYNNECTA, Responsible as per Art. 6 of the German MDStV:
Dr. Rüdiger Müngersdorff

Editorial support:
Dr. Rüdiger Müngersdorff, Holger Reichard

Page lay-out, programming:
Holger Reichard

V i s u e l l e - K o m p e t e n z, Kreative Unternehmenskommunikation
Burkhard Riegels-Winsauer,
Am Kirchberg 3, D-72770 Reutlingen, Telefon (07121) 50 48 65 |

For direct enquiries concerning our web site, please contact:

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Our German web pages:
SYNNECTA GmbH Germany :: Christophstraße 15-17 :: D-50670 Köln :: phone: + 49 (0) 221 - 3 90 93 39 - 0 :: fax + 49 (0) 221 - 3 90 93 39 - 9
SYNNECTA GmbH Germany :: Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 10 :: D-76131 Karlsruhe :: phone: + 49 (0) 721 - 5 97 16 - 0 :: fax + 49 (0) 721 - 5 97 16 - 16
SYNNECTA NV Belgium :: Druivenlaan 12 :: B-2390 Malle, Antwerp :: phone: + 32 (0) 3-237 75 25 :: fax + 32 (0) 3-257 21 80
SYNNECTA Co. Ltd. Thailand :: 1 Silom Rd, Level 8 :: Zuellig Building House :: Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok :: Thailand 10500
SYNNECTA China :: Room 227 :: No. 24, Guoding Road :: Yangpu District :: Shanghai, China
SYNNECTA USA :: Christopher Ragland :: 409 W 38th Street #101 :: Austin, TX 78705, USA