Products & Solutions
Communication & mobilization processes
The management of large corporations takes place today over communication networks. The traditional management tools of bureaucracy and hierarchy no longer suffice to manage global, decentralized organizations.
SYNNECTA develops effective management tools in order to reach your goals for every employee from executive on down. We do more than just Change Management however.
Our communications projects also engage emotions which ensures the greatest results for management and staff alike.
We design and organize Corporate Conferences to accelerate your company's development.
With your input we develop visually-based, interactive communications tools which enable you to establish your vision - your reality - throughout the entire organization.
We help you develop a corporate image that can be communicated throughout the company, reflects your corporate culture, and is also able to emotionally anchor the required changes.
In order to be able to provide this wide range of tools and services our staff includes film producers, directors, actors, graphic artists, designers, photographers, painters and consultants who ensure that your message facilitates your corporation's development.
- Management dialogue
- Management audit
- Management focus
- 360° feedback
- Resonance groups
- Insight tools
- Maps
- Films in Organizational Development
- Community and neighborhood concepts
- Forum concepts
- Conferences and meetings
Change Management
We support management in the design of Change Management projects ... |
Human Resources
We have developed programs tailored to match and optimize the individual development and strategy of your organization ... |
Process Excellence
The fields of process re-design, support for analyses and definitions, and implementation have created a new branch of consulting services ... |
Modern management and staff development tools are based on statistical evaluations of surveys and feedback ... |
SYNNECTA was founded in 1998 in Germany. Visit our German web pages at |